What to expect for 2024 holiday minis!

July 07, 2024

What to expect at both locations for Holiday mini Sessions.


Both locations will have great options for both Santa and Non Santa sessions.



There will be at least three new backdrops. We are setting it up this year to avoid disappointment of both parents and kids that they did not make it to all the different options. This way they will have time to do all the options.


  1. A kitchen set up different from past years. This is a favorite of all kids and parents.
  2. A barn theme option.  I’m excited about this one! It is so different for inside photos. 
  3. A backdrop with a bench/couch that is specifically set up for family portraits and posed portraits for the kids. More details when its all picked out.



  1. The greenhouse will always be an option, set up different as always
  2. Per request of all the kids, Santa’s workshop will be back for a second year,  just set up different.
  3. We’ve purchased an old 1955 Studebaker that is green/rusted and perfect for Holiday photos this year!
  4. A set up with our snow machine


I haven’t figure out how yet, but Santa’s sleigh may make its way out too…there is always room for that!


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